Halloween is coming! We have an upcoming screening at the Sacramento Asian Film Festival and we're still featured in the New and Noteworthy section on iTunes. There might even be more screenings of I Am a Ghost coming up in the days leading up to Halloween. And in preparation, we want to share some great media sent to us from supporters all over the world (one of them being a video PARODY!)
Nick Reiner, director of All Dark Places, possessed by "Emily"
Artist/designer Diego Medina, going eyeless for Emily
Emily poses with iconic geek superstar Tentáculo Púrpura (LucasArts Day of the Tentacle)
Omar Parra of Terror Weekend re-enacts a scene from I Am a Ghost in which Emily meets Emily.
And THIS parody sent to us by Maria Abad.
Keep the fan art and photos coming and we'll post our favorites on this blog by Halloween! Thank you all so much for all of the support! We've definitely felt the love throughout this journey. :)