I AM A GHOST, Alternate movie poster by Salvador Anguiano
Much like Jerry Ma did with the poster for the other film I wrote in 2011, Yes, We're Open, artist Salvador Anguiano has created an alternate movie poster for I Am a Ghost and it's gorgeous. I love how he took the Romek Marber styled original poster and took it into the modern era, complete with Gotham Nexa titling. (ed. Salvador Anguiano, for the correction! Font nerds, FTW!) If you place the original poster and Anguiano's poster side by side, you'd think you're looking at two editions of a novel published by Penguin Books!
The original 1973 paperback next to the 2014 re-issue. :)
Salvador Anguiano chronicled his process for you to see, HERE. After you read that post, check out his other alternate movie posters. Hell, just check out all of his art. It's all wonderful.