Happy Halloween! /
Happy Halloween, everybody! Are you going Trick-or-Treating tonight? Or staying out of the rain and watching a good scary movie? If you want recommendations, I have two lists that have been published this week:
H.P. Mendoza's Top 5 Halloween Movies on Xfinity
If you're an Xfinity subscriber, these are the movies I recommend you see. (Someone accused me of being too irreverent with this list, but c'mon, it's Halloween!)
APA: Top Ten Underwatched Horror Films
Some of these horror films are movies that I expect everyone to have seen, but only recently have I discovered that a LOT of people who claim to be horror fans have never even heard of! Just as reverent as my Top 5 list, this list should settle your appetite for horror for at least one night. :)
Adventure Time / I Am a Ghost Mashup
Anna Ishida posted on my wall that she had just finished watching the Emmy nominated episode of Adventure Time, "Thank You" and that it reminded her of I Am a Ghost. So, I tested that theory, and here is the result. :)
And here's a piece of I Am a Ghost fanart from Renee Woo! (I'm starting to think I should just make a Fan Art section on the site...)
In preparation for Halloween... /
Halloween is coming! We have an upcoming screening at the Sacramento Asian Film Festival and we're still featured in the New and Noteworthy section on iTunes. There might even be more screenings of I Am a Ghost coming up in the days leading up to Halloween. And in preparation, we want to share some great media sent to us from supporters all over the world (one of them being a video PARODY!)
Nick Reiner, director of All Dark Places, possessed by "Emily"
Artist/designer Diego Medina, going eyeless for Emily
Emily poses with iconic geek superstar Tentáculo Púrpura (LucasArts Day of the Tentacle)
Omar Parra of Terror Weekend re-enacts a scene from I Am a Ghost in which Emily meets Emily.
And THIS parody sent to us by Maria Abad.
Keep the fan art and photos coming and we'll post our favorites on this blog by Halloween! Thank you all so much for all of the support! We've definitely felt the love throughout this journey. :)
More fan art /
Wow, it's been a busier week than normal for I Am a Ghost fan art! I'm just floored to have made a film that inspired people to even MAKE fan art! (Well, there is that one piece of Colma: The Musical erotic fan fiction out there, but that was a single case and from a really long time ago...)
in Spain. (And thank you for the great review!)
Super Mario
I Am a Ghost
, by Joon Park
Emily meets Sadako and Kayako,
Will.I.Am a Ghost, by Joon Park
I Am a Ghost, alternate movie poster by Salvador Anguiano
Check out his awesome process, HERE.
Shia Le Ghost, by Frank Lee
I Am a Ghostface Killah, by Joon Park
And for my foodie friends, I AM GJETOST!
Our first fan art! /
I AM A GHOST, Alternate movie poster by Salvador Anguiano
Much like Jerry Ma did with the poster for the other film I wrote in 2011, Yes, We're Open, artist Salvador Anguiano has created an alternate movie poster for I Am a Ghost and it's gorgeous. I love how he took the Romek Marber styled original poster and took it into the modern era, complete with Gotham Nexa titling. (ed. Salvador Anguiano, for the correction! Font nerds, FTW!) If you place the original poster and Anguiano's poster side by side, you'd think you're looking at two editions of a novel published by Penguin Books!
The original 1973 paperback next to the 2014 re-issue. :)
Salvador Anguiano chronicled his process for you to see, HERE. After you read that post, check out his other alternate movie posters. Hell, just check out all of his art. It's all wonderful.