(from left to right: Diana Tenes, Mark Del Lima, Anna Ishida and H.P. Mendoza)
MARK DEL LIMA: And now it's done. Ersatz Film thanks you from the bottom of its facsimile heart. It's one thing to make a film from nothing more than the creative spirit. It's another thing altogether to get a community to support it, to proselytize, to broadcast. What you see is what you get. This is our means for dissemination. And you carried us. Thank you for tolerating the endless chatter of promotion. We promise to talk about other things. We actually have a lot of other interests and things to talk about. Really! I'm actually thinking of getting back on the piano. And H.P.? Well, tireless H.P. is already planning the next project. Stay tuned.
H.P. MENDOZA: All right, it's my turn to gush. Last night, you all came to the Castro Theatre which pretty much marked the full circle closure of the work we've all done on I Am a Ghost. And it was fantastic, thanks to all of you. The movie took two years to get here from conception to distribution, and in that time you've had to see posts and posts and posts about the film. You donated on Kickstarter, attended the film festival screenings, shared the updates and re-tweeted the tweets. Because you knew that, as far as marketing and publicity goes, we didn't have a machine; we are the machine and you supported us all the way. You showed up to The Castro Theatre in costume. We saw ghosts, disco ghosts, a few Emilies, Catrina skeletons, Devo and even Chun-Li! And you came to the mezzanine party to have a glass of wine with us. We didn't get to see you all, but I hope you know we wanted to. This is what we love to do, and if you love it too, we promise to do it more often. We love you.